Why Today

Why today sucked:

I felt fat.  
I felt ugly.
I tried on shorts that used to be big and I could barely button them.
I had to stick to my meal plan despite not feeling hungry
I went shopping and was forced to buy a size that seemed absurd.
My rabbit continues to ruin our furniture.
Our cats can't get along.

Why today was great:

I made people laugh.
I relaxed on the couch....and was surrounded by our 3 fur babies.
I rode my bike.
I went for a walk.
I was able to afford to buy new clothes for my changing body.
Our neighbor gave us vegetables from the garden.
I got to see my family via Facetime.
My husband told me I was beautiful.
We ate dinner together.
The Cavs won game 7.
--That's just the short list--

When today started, I was upset because of clothes not fitting.  It's so easy to take one thing and turn it into, my life sucks, this is the worst day ever, woe is me.  It's hard to look at the good things that happen on a daily basis...but when you do the rewards are endless.  Suddenly today didn't seem so bad.  

When you are having a 'bad day' take a look around you and think about all the good there is.  You just may start having a good day.


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