
Image result for eye crying

Addiction.  If you are not struggling with a mental illness, like addiction, of your own, you know someone who is. People are struggling all around us every day, and there is only so much help that one can provide another.  Today, I was saddened by news of a loss.  There is no need to share who, where, what or why, but the fact of the matter is we have one life to live and what we do with it is our choice.  

Every day, I make a conscious choice to eat and rewire my brain that eating is okay.  Every day, she is struggling with alcohol; every day, he is sitting on his hands telling them not to type in the website he so badly needs for release; every day... One day, it may all be gone.  No more what ifs, or 'I'll only do it one more time', the list goes on and on.

We are faced with making life changing decisions every day that, although they may seem minor, can truly have life altering results.  Running late in the morning, while stressful, may save you from the an accident on the route to work.  Going to a coffee shop instead of staying at home could lead to meeting someone who just may have needed your smile that day.  We never truly know what a day has in store and what the impact of our decisions are.  The same is said to be true for those who are struggling with addiction or mental illness.  Sometimes we can be so deep into our illness we do not understand the severity our decisions can have. 

Having been surrounded by addiction, I understand the impact that those decisions can have on another; I also know that when I was sick, I wasn't rational and thought I was invincible.  A sick person isn't intentionally hurting others, we just don't know any other way of living.

Please try to give grace to others and try to understand that their illness may be out of their control.  Please try to be compassionate to everyone you encounter; you do not know what they are struggling with.
Please try to remember we are all human beings who are trying our best every day.

There are so many beautiful, kind, and loving souls who are hurting and just need to know it will all be okay.

You were so kind, caring, beautiful, both inside and out, smart, funny and strong.  I hope you knew that.  


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