Dear Tracy
other night I was organizing some photos and I came across a number of photos
from when I was a little girl. As I saw these pictures I remembered a chapter
that I read in Jenni Schaefer's book, Life without Ed. The chapter gives an exercise for the reader
to try when they are struggling with their eating disorder. The exercise tells the reader to find a
picture of their self when they were little.
After locating a picture, tape it to a mirror that you use often. Once it is up, she challenges you to try and
say the things you say to your present self on a daily basis...more or less it
is impossible to do. I could never look
at 'baby Tracy' and call her fat, ugly, stupid etc.
remembering this exercise, tears filled my eyes and I was inspired. I do not think I decided to do this photo
organization by chance, I think I needed to remember this. This exercise is
something that really resonates with me and I think anyone could benefit from
stared at my photos and thought, 'How could I have done and said such hateful
things to you?' Looking at 'baby Tracy' I felt that it would suit her well to
hear some words of wisdom:
are such a feisty and fabulous lady.
will tell you that you are too emotional and cry too much. Don't for one second think that is a bad
thing; nothing wrong with being compassionate and being vulnerable.
are going to struggle in this life...but who doesn't? Everyone has a story to share, and you are no
different. You will inspire others, as
others have inspired you.
of what you go through, whether it's hard times financially, emotionally or
mentally, just remember that you are enough.
You are exactly where you are supposed to be.
will meet a boy named Stefan, and your heart will know it immediately....but I
have to spoil it for you, he's your soulmate.
He will help you get through a lot of difficulties in this life and he
is one person that will never give up on you...nor you on him.
yourself grace. You will make mistakes,
you're only human...understand that it is okay to make mistakes.
be patient and kind. Smile like you do,
love like you do, and laugh like you do.
You can change the world if you allow yourself to.
are loved.
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