The Beatles said it best...H-E-L-P

I recently read, Rising Strong: The Reckoning, the Rumble, the Revolution by Brene` Brown, and it's a book I highly recommend.  Brown touches on the idea of being vulnerable, as she has in her previous work Daring Greatly, but in Rising Strong she shows us the steps to take in order to acknowledge our struggles/disappointments, and how to rise up from them.  Often times we have a difficult time acknowledging our shortcomings, and I am guilty, as I know many others to be, of not admitting when we are wrong.  Brown's research discussed in the book provide the reader with three steps, the reckoning, rumble and revolution.  I will not give a full book review and synopsis here, but rather discuss one quote from the book and how it relates to myself, and I hope you as well.

"We don't have to do it all of it alone.  We were never meant to."

In sum, we should ask for help from others when we need it.  Growing up, I remember being told by my family and in the classroom to ask for help when needed, that it's important and okay to ask for help.  I'm not sure when this advice flips a switch, but as I got older I not only didn't want to ask for help because I was ashamed/embarrassed but I thought I didn't need help...nobody could do it as good as me, or I could figure it out myself was my mentality. 

When did asking for help go from being deemed as almost a necessity, to an act of shame and stupidity.  In my adult years asking for help was a 'heck no!'.  That is until earlier this year.  I knew that if I didn't ask for help I would have suffered the consequences.  Recently, one of my friends was struggling with anxiety and pretty much avoided talking to me about it, so I suggested seeking help professionally.  I know from my experience I have had some life changing results and want to encourage others to do the same.  The response that my friend gave me was, 'No, I don't want to talk to someone, that's weird.'  It's not weird, it was just an, 'I don't want to ask for help' moment.  This friend later took my advice, went to see a therapist and feels confident that it will...HELP <--- WhAt?!  There's that word again 

Asking for help back in February was scary as hell, but it had some great impacts on my life and on the lives of those around me.  Since taking the plunge and asking for help that one time, I've been finding it easier to ask others for help when I need it.  Granted, it's still extremely difficult to admit being in need of help, it makes life a heck of a lot easier...we aren't meant to tackle life and life's problems on our own, so why take on that weight?

By being vulnerable, open and honest we will not only help ourselves, but we have the opportunity to inspire others around us.  I challenge you to ask for help. Whether it's something big or small, it's okay to admit you can't do it alone.  You will breathe a sigh of relief knowing others will be there to catch you, and stand strong beside you.


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