Call me Popeye

A wise man once said, 'I am what I am, and that's all that I am'.  Yes, by wise man I mean a fictional character who dined on spinach while chewing on a pipe.  Maybe not the most authoritative visionary, but that quote is simple and filled with insight.

I have mentioned in my previous posts that being in recovery I have begun to peel some of my layers back and am getting to know myself more and more each day.  Although, I am starting to know myself, I have been surrounded by friends and loved ones that have known who I am for a long while.  I especially want to focus on my friends...let's be honest here, more often than not our family will be there for us because we are just that, family.  Friends, however, can leave if they choose to.

I have been extremely blessed to have a lot of friends in my life with whom I know I can confide in anywhere, anytime, any place.  The group of people that I call friends aren't my friends because of anything artificial, they are my friends because I'd imagine that they like to be around me, enjoy my personality and maybe for some other reasons.  

I can only assume this to be true because those are some of the qualities that I look for in friends.  I am not judging my friends based on what they look like, how much they weigh, what clothes they choose to wear; but on their merit as a person, their heart, how big they love, their personality, sense of humor, etc.  I love everyone in my life for who they are as a person, not on their exterior person.

I remember when I got out of treatment and I asked Stefan if I looked different...obviously knowing that I've gained weight.  He said 'no'.  I was so upset and I just remember thinking why is he lying to me, I can't trust him, blah, blah, blah.  He countered me with the fact that he's never noticed my weight, he said, 'I just see you as you.'  It made no sense to me at the time, and I still have trouble grasping that concept, but I am finally starting to see what he meant.

I am what I am...and that's all that I am


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. You are who you are and that is good enough just as is! ☺


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