Oh hey there Cellulite

Cellulite is something that I have always had.  I even had it when I was at my lowest weight in my adult years.  I know plenty of people that also have cellulite, even the thinnest people.  I feel that the media associates cellulite as being a 'fat person' thing as well as a negative.  Due to this portrayal that society publicizes it leaves many women feeling insecure about said cellulite. These insecurities can lead women to use creams or receive treatment to minimize the appearance of cellulite.  I have been extremely insecure about my cellulite and I have had conversations with others that also find themselves insecure about their cellulite.  I understand how the appearance can appear 'unattractive', however, most women have cellulite, so why not celebrate cellulite?!

Recently, Ashley Graham, 'curvy' model, was attacked for a picture of her with her 'cellulite city'. Confident and beautiful Graham responded to these trolls with, 'Someone once told me my thighs were "cellulite city",' she wrote. 'But I now realize these thighs tell a story of victory and courage. 'I will not let others dictate what they think my body should look like for their own comfort, and neither should you.'

I am extremely elated to read her response, and find her to be a true inspiration.  Graham is correct in that we shouldn't let society determine if our body is 'acceptable' or 'attractive'.  Every woman and man is unique, we are beautifully created beings, and while we are all flawed we should embrace our differences and appreciate who we are.  Our bodies aren't meant to be tortured and ruined by self, or criticized by others; our bodies should be loved and embraced.  We are only given one and we need to treat it right.


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