You've got a friend in me

It may have taken me 31 years, but I'm finally learning!  Since as far back as I can remember, I have wanted everyone to like me and I needed to be friends with everyone.  I now realize that having these so called 'friends' can be toxic and I am not about that life.  

I hear a lot of folks complain about text messaging and why can't people just pick up the phone and call.  The fact of the matter is that people are extremely busy and text messaging can be easier for a busy schedule.  Think about how many people you know with full time jobs, maybe even more than one job, children, pets, hobbies, etc.  Life is busy.  I was the type of person that, up until two weeks ago, has kept EVERY text message.  I would then scroll down and say, 'Oh, I haven't spoke to _____ in a while, let's shoot them a text'.  The conversation would either go on, or I would not get a response.  The latter would gnaw at me.  I would start thinking about what I did wrong, blah blah blah...I made it all about reality, it's about them and who/what do they have time for.  

There are relationships that I look back on and realize, I was a punching bag, someone that could be manipulated etc.  I would panic over people not responding to me, when they didn't give a shit about it.   Well, I'm over it.  I went through my phone and deleted all of those old text messages.  Staring at them was not doing anything for me or my mental health.  Why should I be so preoccupied with people who don't make me a priority when I have the most amazing group of friends already.  I do not need to give shout outs, because you totally know who you are, but I do want to say thank you for seeing me for me and loving me for it.  Thank you for the great memories and the many more that will come.

If we all took a little more time to focus on the relationships that truly mattered maybe we would be happier.  Don't let the good ones fall through the cracks for the ones who don't make you a priority.  Keep the relationships with the people that pick you up, not tear you down; the ones that you don't have to worry about responding, even if it's days later...they are the ones that matter.  The ones that you may not talk to all the time but everything is still the same once you reconnect.  Keep those ones close.  

In a nut shell: Be kind to everyone. Be genuinely interested in others (if it's not genuine, cut the act, I can see through that).  Do not burn any bridges.  Surround yourself with positivity.


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