Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth

I said to Stefan the other day, "I need to blog, but I don't feel inspired by anything."  After saying that, I began to realize that I have only felt inspired when I am feeling down, or something sets me off...basically I feel like I am often mad, disappointed, sad etc. when I post and that's not okay.  I rethought about what is inspiring to me and why I felt so uninspired.  The truth is...I am happy.  Truly happy.

I made a bold statement in therapy last week and said that I feel the best I have since leaving treatment.  I am going to be even bolder with you and say I feel the best I have since as long as I can remember. 

I was meant to be a mom.  Sure, there have been times where I don't know what the heck I'm doing..but let's be honest, does anyone really know?  Giuliana is by far the best audience I have.  She laughs at nearly everything I do, she doesn't get mad when I sing (like some people...I'm looking at you Stefan), she makes me feel like I'm the cats meow and I can do anything.  When I'm with her I feel unstoppable.

I am so incredibly happy in my work.  I absolutely LOVE what I do.  Sure there are days when people annoy me, or I feel unproductive, but then there are days when parents say, "Thank you for making this a party for them! They have so much fun."  Learning should be fun, and a party, and I'm glad I can do that.

Food and I are on good terms with each other.  I am slowly learning how to treat my body right, and man, it feels good!  I also am learning to love my body.  It sounds weird, but every morning when I get dressed, assuming Bean is up, I get dressed in front of her, and say, "Isn't mommy's body beautiful?" Mind over matter you know.

I am feeling confident in my style.  I wear what's comfortable and fun, not necessarily what's hip...but let's be real...if you use the word hip to describe fashion, you probably never tried to wear the latest trends.

Are there still issues and personal struggles I am dealing with, 100%, but I feel like I've never felt before and I want to shout it to the rooftops.

Thank you all for your love and support!



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