
She lives her life behind a mask.
And in the off chance that someone asks, she replies, 'I'm good, I'm great, I'm fine.'
They ask out of obligation, not because they care.
The rest of the world around her is so distracting, it doesn't quite seem fair.

Everyone's got their issues, and I've got mine too, but if you stopped to ask sincerely, think of what you might hear?

'It seems that you are too preoccupied with someone who is getting high; 
you don't seem to try to notice struggle right in front of your eyes.'

'I don't think you really care about my're more concerned with what weight YOU think you should be.'

You told her you don't want to ask her because you don't know what to say.
Just tell her that you love her, and it will be okay.

She lives each day with a check list of all the things she's done.
It never even crosses her mind that she should be her number one.

Putting others first as if there was a prize.
'Step right up to see the woman who lives the biggest lie.'

It doesn't matter how many times they've told you what not to say,
you just will never realize those words make her fade away.

So go ahead and put on your face to hide away your truth.
They are too concerned with 'greater' things that you can never be.
No matter how good or bad you are doing it's never enough to be seen.


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