Falling down
I feel as though I have been strong for so long. I feel as though I've made huge progress in my recovery so far. I feel as though I am falling down. Something I've always done is put on a smile and portrayed a happy carefree woman. The truth is for much of my life that was a mask to hide what was really going on, the anxiety, the depression, the feelings of not being good enough, the eating disorder. Only until the past few months I've taken off that mask and have been true to who I am as a person, not fearing what others will think of me and living as openly and honestly as I can. I've been so strong, it was only a matter of time before I would start to fall. Yesterday I began to fall. I restricted. I called myself a loser. I completely broke down on the couch. I had a 'why me, why us?' moment. That feeling carried on into today. I feel sad and broken. I'm a walking zombie. As I write this I realize I have t...