Hi! My name is (what?) My name is (who?) My name is...

Hi, my name is People Pleaser....it's nice to meet you. Anyone else out there a people pleaser? Come on, I know I'm not the only one. You're either reading this because you are a people pleaser, or reading it to appease me...like I said you're a people pleaser ;) When I first started my journey in recovery I had a lot of time to spend with me, myself and I. In the past, this was something that even the thought of repulsed me. Sure, I enjoyed having alone time to read, nap, clean or relax, but I never spent time with myself. This may sound weird, but have you ever really spent time getting to know yourself? I am not referring to being alone with your thoughts that feed daily anxiety. I mean truly acquaint yourself to...well...yourself. Getting to know your likes and dislikes, feelings about certain 'taboo' topics, etc. By getting reacquainted with Tracy, I spent less time worrying about pleasing others...I really wanted to remain true t...