Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth

I said to Stefan the other day, "I need to blog, but I don't feel inspired by anything." After saying that, I began to realize that I have only felt inspired when I am feeling down, or something sets me off...basically I feel like I am often mad, disappointed, sad etc. when I post and that's not okay. I rethought about what is inspiring to me and why I felt so uninspired. The truth is...I am happy. Truly happy. I made a bold statement in therapy last week and said that I feel the best I have since leaving treatment. I am going to be even bolder with you and say I feel the best I have since as long as I can remember. I was meant to be a mom. Sure, there have been times where I don't know what the heck I'm doing..but let's be honest, does anyone really know? Giuliana is by far the best audience I have. She laughs at nearly everything I do, she doesn't get mad when I sing (like some people...I'm looking at you Stefan), she makes me ...