An open letter to my family and friends

As you, the reader, already know, I have struggled with an eating disorder for over a decade. It is only now, as I am strong in my recovery, that I recognize the impact that a mental illness and/or addiction can have on your family and friends. It is only now that I see others struggle, I feel the pain, and anger I may have caused many of you...and for that here is this apology. Please note that over the past 12 years I have made plenty of memories and moments of clarity. The following apologies are for when I was at my sickest. I am not my eating disorder; these behaviors were not me. Dear family and friends, I'm sorry that I was not fully present in moments of great joy and sadness. I'm sorry that while you were making memories, I was so sick I knew I wouldn't remember. I'm sorry I drove when I didn't eat. For blacking out on the drive, and being grateful I made it home alive. I'm sorry if I was selfish. I'm sorry I manipulated you int...