Lucky One
Greetings world. I've struggled the past few days. At a time when I felt like, 'Man, I got this.' I struggled, and I let myself down. For once I am not worried about letting someone else down, and I'm sad because I let myself down. When I let myself down, I beat myself up. My eating disorder (Ed) becomes louder and encourages the thoughts of, 'I'm a disappointment', 'a failure,' 'I can't do this,' 'life is better with an eating disorder.' It's when this voice becomes so loud I need to do my best to shut it out, negate what he's saying, strive to prove him wrong. Yesterday was this kind of day. I look around in moments of weakness and see the 'lucky ones'. The ones that are thin, the girls that don't eat much (just enough to say they did), the ones who choose coffee/caffeine over food to suppress the appetite, they are so much prettier than I am. "And they tell you that you’re lucky. But ...