The first year
Well, we did it. Tuesday marked one year that Bean's been in daycare and one year back to work for me. I didn't really make much of it but my friend high fives me (my favorite) and says, 'Way to go, that's huge!' The more I thought about it the more I realized that it really was a big deal. Being a mom is hard. Being a stay at home mom is hard. I can only speak to my experience as a working mom, and's been hard. Going back to work was something that I wanted to do but also something I had to do. I felt as though I received some grief from people for going back but the truth is it's not the 90's and money doesn't hold that same value. First day back I remember one of my fears of having Bean in daycare was that she would begin to think that her teacher was mom since she spent that much more time at school than at home. I also remember that I didn't cry when I dropped her off on her first day, and for that I felt guil...