The hardest part

One of the hardest things that I have struggled with in mommy-hood has been feeding my sweet Beanie girl. Now, you may be thinking, well breast feeding IS hard. I'm sure that is true from what I hear, but I did not ever breastfeed. Go ahead and mommy shame me, I dare you. Let me digress for a moment. Before giving birth to Bean, I felt as though I HAD to breastfeed because that's what society makes you think is the right thing. Now, for anyone who knows me, I am a rule follower and need to be liked, so naturally one would think that I would choose to breastfeed. But in all honesty the thought of it made me uncomfortable. I had heard about the struggles that it had caused for many new moms and knowing myself and my anxiety I didn't know if it was something I even wanted to attempt. Luckily, I spoke to one of my best friends about this prior to giving birth. She made me feel a million times better and made me feel like ...