Love your body

It's been a little while since I've posted. I've had so many thoughts flooding my mind, but nothing that I couldn't start to write about without getting writers block. I've been writing in my journal a lot to help with my anxiety and so this post is from a recent journal entry. I recently started seeing a new therapist, something I was adamant about. I feel like I've shared my story with more than a couple, and each time I've never truly felt like I connected and found any success. In only my first two meetings with my new therapist I feel like we will make a lot more progress than I have in the past. In my my recent session we finished up my assessment. At the end of the assessment she asked what my goals were. In no particular order I said: Self love, improved body image, having a healthy relationship with food, and to work on minimizing my people pleasing/caring so much what others think ( a constant source of anxiety ). Being that we wer...