
Showing posts from November, 2017

Attitude of Gratitude

While Thanksgiving is a time when there is a lot of emphasis on being thankful and appreciating what we have in our lives, we should really do this on a daily basis.  I know that I am often guilty of comparing what I have to what others have, wishing I had x, y and z, but I really need to reflect on what I have in my life. In my mind I was never pretty enough, skinny enough, smart enough, a good enough employee, and simply, I was not enough...period.  This mindset led me down a path of self destruction that could have for sure killed me had I not sat back and smelled the roses.  As I enter a new phase of my life, my pregnancy, I have had a poor that I feel ashamed to share.  I find myself comparing my pregnant body to others that are/have been pregnant.  I am not doing a good enough job.  I am doing everything wrong.  I look like I am 9 months pregnant...blah blah blah.  In all reality, I need to shut the voice up in my head f...