Mother Nature Rocks

This post may be a little too much information (TMI) for some of you, so if you feel unnerved by this disclaimer please feel free to stop reading when you arrive at the *WARNING* As a person that has struggled with an eating disorder for over 10 years now, I’ve struggled with having a body that functions as it should. The effects of an eating disorder can be seen on the outside, but the interior effects are also present, and extremely hazardous to the person whom is struggling. These are things that the outside world cannot see. Memory loss, trouble with bowel movements, trouble sleeping, feelings of fatigue, brittle nails, hair loss, etc. One thing that is specific to a woman is the loss of menstruation. *WARNING: THIS IS WHERE THE TMI COMES INTO PLAY* I remember when I got my first visit from my monthly friend. It wasn’t a moment of happiness, it was like, ‘Well, crap. I guess I’m a woman.’ Since that first time, I never really had a c...